Strength in Numbers: The Power of Collective Efforts in Youth Ministry

Posted on Apr 22, 2024

Guest blogger Travis Deans has been a workshop leader at the Pittsburgh Quake. He is founder of  9 Month Missions Trip, and pretty much a networking guru!  

 Why is youth ministry best done in collaboration with a group of adult leaders? Here are ten answers:


 #1 We share the same burning passion to see students know and grow in Jesus.

We have the same end zone – even if we get there different ways, we’re all driving down the field in the same direction! There are a certain number of students in our community and we should all be passionate about reaching every one of them.


#2 We’ve got great resources to share with each other. 

God has given all of us something to bring to the field – there’s no doubt that what God has given each of us can be a giant help to others. No matter how good we are at youth ministry, there are always things out there we are unaware of – things that we need for our ministry, but we only have access to them through working together. No player can play every position!


#3 There’s power in praying together. 

No one can pray for you or pray for your ministry quite like another youth leader – because we understand the challenges, struggles, and obstacles you face. We understand the victories you want to celebrate! Praying together with your fellow pastors for each other is a powerful experience.


#4 We can’t afford not to do it together. 

Literally, no one person, church, or organization has enough financial, human, or material resources to reach all on their own. It’s impossible unless we work together.


#5 The issues are too big to solve on our own. 

The obstacles in front of us cannot be tackled by a single person, church or ministry. Drug problems, family problems, academic problems, mental health issues, etc. are overwhelming students in our communities. When we line up against those things as a team, we can make the plays that help students overcome these challenges.


#6 Working Together is a LOT of fun! 

The thing about working with our fellow ministry workers is that it’s a blast! Some of the most fun experiences in youth ministry are the things you do with other youth workers. – Why? Because it’s not all on you. We can do more together than we can do on our own, and because, together, the impact we can make on our communities is bigger than we could ever have dreamed.


#7 Cooperation Unleashes Creativity! 

When you’re feeling stuck in a rut or just need some fresh ideas, there’s nothing better than hearing what your fellow youth workers are doing to help their students know Christ and grow in Christ. Their ideas will get the wheels turning in your brain – or you can just borrow their ideas!


#8 We Are One Body 

Although we don’t always act like a team, in God’s eyes that’s what we are - we are one body. Someone has said, “When God looks at a city, He doesn’t see many churches. He sees one church in many congregations.” We are not competing with each other. Our competition is the enemy of our souls who wants to keep students away from Christ.


#9 Sometimes we just need a good laugh! 

If you need cheering up, get in a room with a group of youth workers. In a matter of seconds, the laughter, joy, and goofiness will be contagious. No one can uplift spirits like fellow youth leaders.


#10 Our Students Need to be Inspired and Equipped. 

One of the great by-products of youth leaders working together is that our students see that, and they are inspired by our example. If we can work together with each other, they can connect with and work with their fellow believing students as well! And nothing encourages students like knowing they are not alone! 

 This article originally posted on